His Beatitude Metropolitan Volodymyr Awarded Scientists of Ukrainian Academy of Historical Science

On April 14, at the study of the Metropolitan’s residence at the Holy Dormition Kyiv-Pechersk Lavra the Primate of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church conferred church awards on a group of scientists of the Ukrainian Academy of Historical Science. In particular, the orders “1020 years of Baptism of Kyivan Rus” were granted to academicians Petro Panchenko and Alexander Utkin, Volodymyr Gorelov (Candidate of Historical Science, retired colonel), Mykola Kroma (Candidate of Historical Science, retired colonel), Igor Chichkan (retired colonel), and Igor Khrulenko (retired lieutenant colonel). A group of scientists from different scientific educational establishments of the capital, dealing with the issues of the war history of Ukraine, of the national and religious revival, patriotic upbringing, conducts large-scale work on promulgation of the spiritual heritage of the Ukrainian nation, assertion of the self-conscience, statehood and security development of Ukraine. The problems mentioned are highlighted in the lectures, radio and TV programs, other media, in the articles and monographs on the regular basis.
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