Health of Patriarch Abune Antonios of Eritrea deteriorates: Prayers Requested

Health of Patriarch Abune Antonios of Eritrea deteriorates: Prayers Requested


Bp Antonios of Hamassin

Robel Sereke – OCP News Service – 19/5/18

Global: His Holiness Abune Antonius – the 3rd Patriarch of Eritrean Orthodox Church (detained in Asmara since 2007), has suddenly fallen ill.

It is reported that the sudden illness is a result of drug poison. Patriarch’s health has considerably deteriorated and the Prelate is suffering from severe pain.

Serious Concern about Truth of Reported Confession of Ousted Patriarch of Eritrean Orthodox Church

His Grace Makarios (General Bishop of the Eritrea Orthodox Church in the U.S.A) has officially declared prayers for His Holiness Abune Antonios.

We invite you to Pray for His Holiness Patriarch Abune Antonios and the Church of Eritrea.

Eritrean Orthodox Faithful Call to Restore Patriarch Abune Antonios

Briefing of the Detention

A secret session of the Holy Synod in January 2006 at Asmara formally removed Patriarch from his office and on 20th January. Two priests accompanied by Government security forces invaded Patriarch’s residence and confiscated his personal pontifical insignia.

USCIRF Calls for the Release of Patriarch Abune Antonios of Eritrea

Violating the church canons and constitution, the government installed Bishop Dioscoros of Mendefera as the anti-patriarch on 27th May 2007 (Dioscoros passed away in 2016). Abune Antonios on the same day was forced to move out of his office and has been detained at an undisclosed location somewhere in the capital city of Asmara.

OCP News Service

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    Philippe Miguet 7 years

    Chers amis.Aloho m’barekh

    Nous demandons instamment aux Clercs et fidèles laics de notre Eglise Syro-Orthodoxe Francophone à répondre généreusement par leurs ferventes prières à cet exhortation de nos amis de l’OCP à prier pour Sa Sainteté Abune Antonios, Patriarche de l’Eglise Orthodoxe d’Eritrée.

    En vous remerciant, votre fidèlement dans le Christ notre Seigneur.

    +Mor Philipose,métropolite

    Dear friends.Aloho m’barekh.

    We urge the clerics and faithful laity of our Syrian Orthodox Francophone Church to respond generously by their fervent prayers to this exhortation of our friends of the OCP to pray for His Holiness Abune Antonios, Patriarch of the Orthodox Church of Eritrea.

    In thanking your faithfully in Christ our Lord.

    + Mor Philipose, Metropolitan

    Queridos amigos. Aloho M’barekh .

    Pedimos Clérigos intamment e fiéis leigos da nossa Francophone Igreja siro-ortodoxo a responder generosamente por suas fervorosas orações para esta exortação de nossos amigos OCP para orar por Sua Santidade Abune Antonios, Patriarca da Igreja Ortodoxa da Eritreia.

    Obrigado, fielmente em Cristo nosso Senhor.

    + Mor Philipose, Metropolitan

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    […] Recent reports said that Patriarch Abune Antonios has fallen ill which resulted from drug poisoning. […]

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