Have demons got hold of Ownerless Church?

Irakli Tskitishvili
Expert’s Club

A conflict is deepening in the Abkhazian Church hierarchy. Actions of Vissarion Apliaa and the Russian Orthodox Church in this occupied territory are irritating more and more people. In addition to facts when a great deal of discontent was expressed in the society towards Russia both regarding the issue of real state and the process of the territorial dispute, the Russian-Abkhazian confrontation touched church as well. And a catalyst for this became sending of Hegumen Efrem (Vinagradov) by the Russian Patriarch Kirill to Abkhazia.

As we know, a large gathering that should etermine the right and wrong, will take place on May 15th. But processes in Abkhazia are happening at a lightning speed. While head of the puppet regime Sergei Bagapsh is visiting Turkey a serious conflict is brewing in Abkhazia. We should also note that when the abovementioned territorial conflict was gaining pace Bagapsh was on a holiday also. Meanwhile a real demarche was made for Vissarion Apliaa. We have already reported about this so we are not going to repeat it. We would only mention that it seems that priests and other brothers of the Simon the Zealot Monastery of the New Athos decided not to wait till May 15th and held a gathering where they unanimously elected hieromonk Andrey (Ampar) as its head. As it was said in their statement the gathering was held in accordance with the ancient charter of the monastery which demands that a head of the New Athos Monastery to be chosen among those who took monastic vows in the same New Athos monastery. The decision was signed by brothers serving in the monastery.

At last this demarche was answered by the Apliaa side and they also issued a response letter. Interestingly, among signatories there was Hegumen Efrem (Vinagradov) who was a reason for all this noise. It seems that the letter is written by Vissarion Apliaa though it is signed by several people as well. The author(s) indicate in statement that was made in response to Andrey (Ampar) that hieromonk Andrey himself asked Apliaa several times for his dismissal from the position. And due to the fact that for a long time a suitable candidate had not been found and whoever was asked they refused, Vissarion Apliaa asked Hegumen Efrem to help homeland of his ancestors ( according to information one of the branches of his ancestors are Lakerbayas) to restore monastic life in the New Athos Monastery.

The statement confirms the information that we possess that on March 16th Vissarion and Hegumen Efrem was received by Russian Patriarch Krill for this very purpose and the latter gave blessing to Hegumen Efrem to work in Abkhazia.

It is notable that we have found out about this meeting from our sources. But as there was no confirmation from nowhere we thought that distribution of such information would have caused unnecessary tension in the relations of the Russian and Georgian Orthodox Churches. But as the Aplia side revealed this information therefore we should consider it confirmed. Hereby we mention that the letter also notes that according to the decision of the church meeting (where hieromonk Andrey (Ampar) also took part) Hegumen Efrem (Vinogradov-Lakerbaya) was recommended for the position of the head of the New Athos Monastery. As two things have already been conformed – Apliaa’s meeting with the Patriarch Kirill and recommendation of Hegumen Efrem for the post of the head of the New Athos Monastery – we would like to mention the statement of the Georgian Patriarchate that based on the information received from the Moscow Patriarchate denied sending of Hegumen Efrem by the Moscow Patriarchate to the post of the head of the New Athos Monastery.

Maybe Patriarch Kirill has not given a direct blessing for the appointment of a head of the New Athos Monastery (although we doubt that appointment of Hegumen Efrem would go without him) but he must have known perfectly well, and this is confirmed by our information, why Vissarion Apliaa was asking for Hegumen Efrem. We are not aware whether the Moscow Patriarchate informed the Georgian Orthodox Church about a meeting that took place between Apliaa and Patriarch Kirill. From the issued information we can definitely conclude that the Moscow Patriarchate lied once again while the Georgian patriarchate had to believe an official denial of a “wolf wrapped in a sheepskin”. We cannot say whether or not these facts will be followed in any way. But those who follow these events carefully expect a serious reaction on this issue from the Georgian Patriarchate.

But let’s get back to the situation in Abkhazia. As it becomes clear from the letter Hegumen Efrem arrived into Abkhazia on March 31st. And on April 1st a church council was held where everybody including hieromonk Andrey unanimously supported appointment of Hegumen Efrem as the head of the said monastery.

But on April 2nd already hieromonk Andrey changed his position and despite Bagapsh’s request to avoid a conflict and decide matters on the level of self-proclaimed “diocese”, still held rally where around 200 people gathered and protested against Vissarion Apliaa. Another interesting fact, hieromonk Andrey is under the subordination of the Moscow Patriarchate. Thus, the Vissarion Apliaa side intends to apply to Patriarch Kirill to regulate the situation.

In short, things are in turmoil in church life in Abkhazia. On one side, it is clear that this inner conflict between those imposters has nothing to do with church life. The New Athos is one of the places where tourists still visit and spend money. As Russian missionary Andrey Kuraev, whose mission has been many times mentioned by the Club of Experts, notes in his blog that today there are neither monks nor novices in the new Athos monastery. “There is some kind of hostel of single men. Or maybe it is a tourist complex as there are no common rules, nor daily service, neither is there obedience. There is not even a particle of monastery there”. Kuraev explains the conflict between Apliaa and hieromonk Andrey in the following way: this is just an opposition on the part of the manager of business centre (Andey – ed.) against attempts to turn a profitable place into a real monastery.

As the Georgian saying goes demons got hold of an ownerless church and this particularly true for the processes that are taking place in Abkhazia. Not to mention the fact that the entire activities of Vissarion Aplia are mafia-kind and the church has only been turned into a source of enrichment. And this is well supported by the Moscow Patriarchate though its representatives sent to Abkhazia.

But this is not surprising as religious complex of the Moscow Patriarchate is planned to build in Bichvinta by appropriating assets of the Georgian Patriarchate on the territory of Abkhazia. Justification of those workers implanted in the Russian Orthodox Church by Patriarch Kirill and Russian security services is based on one thing – place of Christian orthodoxy is being occupied by Islam and Abkhazians don’t want to see Georgians it is them, Russians that should take care of the Orthodoxy. These words also belong to missionary Kuraev. If the Moscow Patriarchate really wants spread of Orthodoxy in Abkhazia, on the canonic territory of the Georgian Patriarchate it should find relevant ways and even if he would not have done so this should not have be their problem at all. As not preaching at all is better than preaching lies, false commandments, fomentation of envy between people and instigation of separatism under the guise of Orthodoxy.

And people who denounced real Orthodox canons and are fomenting separatism inside the church and dividing the Orthodoxy along the ethnic lines does no need the church. And we would advise the Moscow Patriarchate stop preaching the Bible over the heads of wolves. And if they still want to carry out their missions in Abkhazia they should preach Abkhazians to return to the bosom of the Georgian Orthodox Church. Thus they (Russians) will put them (Abkhazians) on the right track and prevent themselves from committing sins.


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