Fund for Syrian-Armenian Relief established


PanARMENIAN.Net – In a joint announcement made on Aug 23, the Eastern Prelacy of the Armenian Apostolic Church of America, the Armenian Catholic Exarchate, the Armenian Missionary Association of America, the Armenian Revolutionary Federation, and the Armenian Relief Society announced the formation of the “Fund for Syrian-Armenian Relief,” that will offer urgently needed assistance to the historic Armenian communities of Syria, The Armenian Weekly reported.

During the past week the heavily Armenian populated areas of Aleppo, Kessab, Damascus, and Kamishli have been under siege by both state and opposing forces and the physical safety of the people, as well as their economic livelihood, are in great jeopardy.

The joining of the Armenian Orthodox, Evangelical, and Catholic churches with the political and charitable organizations in the United States, follows the pattern set in Aleppo where the three churches, the three political parties, and all social and charitable organizations have joined together to face the growing crisis.

Efforts are underway to reach out to other organizations to join the joint committee. Fundraising efforts will be undertaken by this newly formed joint U.S committee, together with their affiliates, to raise funds to help the immediate needs of the Armenian community in Syria, as well as for long-range efforts to maintain and restore the community.

At present, assistance will come mainly through fundraising for schools and other community institutions, which face severe shortfalls as the crisis restricts their own financial capabilities. A portion of the funds will also assist needy individuals directly affected by the unrest.

The formation of a coordinating committee, with representation from each of the participating organizations, will be announced imminently.


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