Friction between Finnish Lutherans and Orthodox over policy of renting out church facilities

Metropolitan Ambrosius emphasises that Finland is known around the world as a model country of ecumenism. Photo: SIRPA RÄIHÄ HS


Luther Foundation used Orthodox Church venues for events

The policy of the Finnish Orthodox Church in renting venues to outside groups is causing friction between the Orthodox and the Evangelical Lutheran Churches. Allowing the Luther Foundation, a conservative group that has broken away from the established Lutheran Church, to hold events in premises owned by the Orthodox Church, has stirred controversy within the Orthodox Church as well.

The Luther Foundation, which opposes the Evangelical Lutheran Church’s policy of allowing ordination of women into the ministry, has held events in premises owned by the Seventh Day Adventist Church. In the east of Finland, it has used buildings operated by the Orthodox Church.

The Luther Foundation says that it will ordain some of its own ministers at the parish hall of the Orthodox Church in Kuopio in September. Orthodox Archbishop Leo has given his permission for renting out the premises for church services.

News that Orthodox Church property was being rented out to the Luther Foundation raised anger and concern among church members, fearing that it might harm ecumenical cooperation. Metropolitain Ambrosius, the Bishop of the Helsinki Orthodox Diocese, has called for the cancellation the move.

“We have been doing ecumenical work for years, and learned to respect each other’s ways of prayer and praise. If some small opposition groups emerge, it would be strange if we were ready to haphazardly let them use the premises, especially if there has been no discussion with the Lutheran bishops”, he says.

The vicars of Helsinki’s Orthodox parishes agreed last year that their premises would not be used by the Luther Foundation, or other groups inciting disunity among the Lutherans. Bishop Ambrosius says that the matter is not a big problem among the various denominations.

Lutheran Archbishop Kari Mäkinen did not want to comment on the matter to Helsingin Sanomat before getting more information on the issue. He did say that these kinds of matters are handled through normal discussions between the churches.

However, Wille Riekkinen, Bishop of the Lutheran Diocese of Kuopio, had said in an interview with the Finnish Broadcasting Company (YLE) that he would rather let Muslims use parish facilities than the Luther Foundation – on the condition that the move is not harmful to either group. Later, in an interview with the Kuopio-based newspaper Savon Sanomat, he explained his comments, saying that hospitality should be extended to all, but that the Luther Foundation is a “church within a church”, which seeks to undermine the Evangelical Lutheran Church from within.

There has been discussion within the Lutheran Church about the use of church property by outside groups. In June Helsinki Bishop Irja Askola said in an interview with Helsingin Sanomat that the Islamic community could be allowed to use the premises of a Lutheran congregation.

Earlier in June the Lutheran Church forbade the Lutheran Evangelical Association of Finland, another theologically conservative group opposed to the ordination of women, from using the Iivisniemi Chapel in Espoo for services with no women officiating as ministers. Later comments on letting Muslims use Lutheran Church facilities have sparked controversy within the Lutheran Church and surprise among the Orthodox.

Finnish Orthodox Archbishop Leo is not happy with the controversy about the use of the facilities. He emphasises that the Orthodox Church has not been actively offering its premises for the use of others.

The Orthodox Church never allows actual church buildings – consecrated areas – to be used by outsiders.

Leo says that other facilities can be lent for use by all Christians. He gave the Kuopio Parish permission to allow the parish hall to be used for one church service. He says that in the future, similar requests will be handled on a case-by-case basis.


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    B.Peter Brandt-Sørheim 13 years

    The Finnish state Lutheran Church is in its own way persecuting the conscientious objectors to its increasingly liberal (by North American standards) path.

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