Fr. Dr. Jossi Jacob Appointed New Principal of the St.Thomas Orthodox Theological Seminary – Nagpur
OCP News Service – 22/02/2019
Addis Ababa-Ethiopia: Fr. Dr. Jossi Jacob (Associate Professor at the Holy Trinity Theological University (Addis Ababa) of the Ethiopian Orthodox Church, Malankara Church Delegate to Ethiopia) is appointed as the new Principal of St. Thomas Orthodox Theological Seminary (STOTS), Nagpur of the Malankara Church. The appointment was made during the February 2019 session of Holy Episcopal Synod of the Malankara Church. Fr. Jossi will assume charge as the head of STOTS in December 2019.
He was ordained as a priest of the Malankara Chruch by Metropolitan Zachariah Mar Anthonios of Quilon (Kollam) on 11/12/1993. He is currently the Director of the Doctoral of Theology (Ph.D.) program offered by the Holy Trinity Univerity in Addis Ababa.
Fr. Dr. Jossi is also the Chief of the Center for Orthodox Studies (COS) of the Orthodoxy Cognate PAGE Society.
Fr. Jossi represents His Holiness Marthoma Baselios Paulose II (Catholicos on the Apostolic Throne of St. Thomas and Malankara Metropolitan) to His Holiness Abune Mathias I (Sixth Patriarch and Catholicos of Ethiopia, Archbishop of Axum and Ichege of the See of Saint Taklehaimanot).

(From L) His Excellency Anurag Sreevasthava – Indian Ambassador to Ethiopia, His Holiness Abune Mathias – Patriarch of Ethiopia, Mr. V. Suresh – Second Secretary at Indian Embassy, Fr Dr. Jossi Jacob – Professor of Holy Trinity Theological College and delegate of the Indian Orthodox Malankara Church to the Ethiopian Church.
Fr. Dr. Jossi is a well-known theologian who has published several outstanding papers on Orthodox Christology and theology. He is a delegate of the Lausanne-Orthodox Initiative. Fr. Jossi is married to Matushka Shini Jossi and they have a son, Jacob P. Jossi.
OCP News Service
Wow father jossi Beloved father for me and well Orthodoxy’s dogmatical teaching father.father jossi teach me for 3 years.
We Carlton Mini & Amal from Kenya pass our Hearty Congratulations to Fr Jossi Achen on this achievement. A great Scholar and a great person of high integrity and has great mastery of his theological reflections in his speeches. We pray for him and his family all the best .May the Almighty shower abundant grace on them.