Foundation Stone for the Penitentiary Institution Pozarevac – Zabela
Church of Serbia – 4/2/18
On the day of the Veneration of the Precious Chains of the Holy and All-Glorious Apostle Peter, His Grace Bishop Ignatije of Branicevo served the rite of blessing of the foundation stone for the church dedicated to Sts. Peter and Paul the Apostles at the Penitentiary institution Pozarevac-Zabela.
Revd. Nikola Marjanovic, spiritual father at the Penitentiary institution Zabela, and some clergymen concelebrated with the Diocesan Bishop in presence of the acting director of the Administration for executing criminal sanctions Mr. Dejan Carevic, employees and members of the local community of the town Pozarevac. After more than a century and a half of its existence this institution for executing criminal sanctions is going to have its own church.