FOCUS Ecumenical Journal – October 2017 Issue
Dr Ajesh T Phillip – OCP News Service – 8/10/17
The October 2017, issue of the Focus Diaspora Journal of the Marthoma Syrian Church of Malabar, (A Church in former Oriental Orthodox tradition and a member of the Global Anglican Communion) is now available for download.
About Focus
Diaspora FOCUS is a non-profit organization registered in the United States, originally formed in the late Nineties in London for the Diaspora Marthomites. It is an independent lay movement of the Diaspora laity of the Mar Thoma Church (It is not an official publication of the Mar Thoma Church). It is an ecumenical journal to focus attention more sharply on issues to help churches and other faith communities to examine their own commitment to loving their neighbors and God, justice, and peace.
OCP News Service