Feast of the Orthodox Youth of Tirana

June 2014

The events organised in Tirana continued Sunday afternoon (1 June 2014) at the Cultural Centre of the Archiepiscopal Cathedral of the “Resurrection of the Lord”, at the underground of the place of worship, with the feast of the Orthodox Youth – according to Trinitas TV. Eight Primates of Orthodox Churches, two hierarchs and officials participated in the event. Young people and students from several cities of Albania performed a programme of traditional songs and dances.

“Last night, 1 June 2014, a show dedicated to the Albanian traditions was performed at the Pastoral Cultural Centre of the Archdiocese of Tirana. The National Symphonic Orchestra of Albania, Radio Chorus of Tirana Resurrection, groups of dancers from Albania, as well as the choruses of Byzantine music from the Theological Academy and from the 50 youth centres of the Church of Albania performed. The event from the Pastoral Cultural Centre emphasised the beauty of the national costumes, of the Iliric traditions inherited, as well as the love for the Church and Orthodoxy. The event ended with a documentary presenting the phases of construction of the Cathedral of the Resurrection of the Lord of Tirana, as well as the pastoral missionary and cultural activity of His Beatitude Anastasie, Archbishop of Tirana, Durrest and All Albania” – related Aurel Moisiuc, Trinitas Radio reporter present at the event.

The delegation of the Romanian Orthodox Church which also includes His Eminence Ciprian, Archbishop of Buzau and Vrancea, will come back to Bucharest on 2 June, in the night.




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