Expert: Armenian Catholicos mustn’t return from Javakhk with Empty Hands


“Armenians in Georgia and Armenians in Javakhk must consider visit of Catholicos of All Armenians as a measure for problems’ settlement and not as an aim. I underline this as there is a special tendency to consider this visit a great aim,” Vahe Sargsyan, expert of the “Mitq” analytic center told reporter while commenting on Armenian Catholicos’s coming visit to Georgian Republic and Javakhk.

“This, of course, has its explanation. This visit takes place after more than hundred years break. But this is a visit, which must be for the solution of the problems.”

The expert is sure that expectations of Armenians in Georgia and Javakhk are connected with the claims, which have been presented. “The claims are well-known to everybody. There is no need to repeat them again. If we look at Catholicos’s agenda, we see that unfortunately the issue of Sb. Nshan Church won’t be solved. Sb. Nshan is the symbol of Javakhk and needs to be returned to the Armenians.

We just hope that other important issues will be solved. Armenians in Javakhk are waiting for it. Otherwise, if Catholicos returns from Javakhk just with hope to solve some problems, this visit can be called similar to the visits of political activists, which are inert and formal,” Vahe Sargsyan said and added that Catolicos’s agenda is really full. “Tsalka part is also included. This part has been forgotten by Armenians up to now,” the expert noted.



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