Ethiopian PM, Tigray Regional-State Vice President Visits Ethiopian Orthodox Primates

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Menetasnot Desta (Chief Administrator of the OCP Amharic Service) – 13/8/18
Addis Ababa- Ethiopia: Prime Minister Dr. Abiy Ahmed visited the two Patriarchs (Patriarchs Abune Mathias and Patriarch Abune Merkorios) and members of the Holy Synod at the Patriarchal Residence (on 11th August, Saturday). Tigray regional-state Vice President Debretsion Gebremichael was present for the occasion.
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The Prime Minister urged continued cooperation of the Primates and the Ethiopian Church for the purpose of maintaining constructive peace and development in Ethiopia. He also said that it is very important to maintain unity in all dioceses and parishes of the Ethiopian Church.
The PM expressed his high concern and sadness over the tragic events in Ethiopia’s Somali region.
In addition, the PM said that he will do his best for the sustainable security by cooperating with state’s regional government and the ruling party of the Somali region (Ethiopian Somali People Democratic Party -ESPDP).
Vice President of Tigray regional -state, Dr. Debretsion Gebremichael commented that it is his first visit to Patriarch Abune Merkorios, as he was busy with other governmental tasks during the reunion ceremony. He also added that the unification of the two synods is useful not only for the Church but also for the national peace and security. Patriarch Abune Mathias thanked Dr. Abiy and guests for their visit to Patriarch Abune Merkirios and assured all effort from the side of the Ethiopian Church for the peace mission of the government.
OCP News Service
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