Ecumenical Procession

The Polish Orthodox Church

Karina Michaluk / 02.11.2009

Today’s prayers for us and the souls of our ancestors are the proof of our faith to Christ. – bishop Jerzy has noted during his sermon.

Today, 1 november, in orthodox church of St. John Klimak in Warsaw the Divine Liturgy and the memorial service were celebrated by the bishop of Siemiatycze Jerzy in company of the clergy from the church in Wola district of Warsaw.

The hiorarch has referred in his homily to reading of fragment of letter apostle Paul to Galacjan. Person can be moral but not spiritual, however, if it is spiritual must be moral. – bishop explained.

The Divine Liturgy was proceeded with the memorial service, and about hour 13 – ecumenical procession at the cemetery. Procession has been started on main boulevard of the cemetery, at the place sanctified with the martyrdom of Poles fighting for the freedom of homeland.

Next clergyman and the worshippers of the Orthodox and Roman Catholic Church have proceeded the boulevard, praying for the deceased of both confessions, for fathers and close relatives, soldiers, who died during World War II, victims of wars and for all dead.


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