Eastern Orthodox Committee on Scouting Scholarships


The Eastern Orthodox Committee on Scouting offers two scholarships. The recipient for first place will receive $1,000 and the runner up will receive $500 upon acceptance to a four year accredited college or university. The candidates are evaluated on their involvement in their church, school, community, scholastic achievements, and Scouting.

Eligibility requirements

* Be a registered active member of a Boy or Girl Scout unit.
* Have earned the Eagle Scout Award for boys or the Gold Award for girls.
* Be an active member of an Eastern Orthodox Church and must have received the Alpha Omega Religious Scout Award.
* Have demonstrated practical citizenship in their church, school, Scouting unit, and community.
* Be enrolled in an accredited high school, and in their final year.
* Submit four letters of recommendation with the application: one letter from leaders of each of the following groups: religious institution, school, community leader, and head of Scouting unit.

The Eastern Orthodox Committee on Scouting Scholarship Committee will award the three national scholarships to the recipients who best meet the qualifications and not on a “need” basis.
Applications can be obtained from E.O.C.S. Chairman, George N. Boulukos, 862 Guy Lombardo Avenue, Freeport, New York 11520 and they must be submitted by May 1st of each year. The national winners will be announced in June of each year.

To receive an scholarship application or to donate to the fund
send mail to:

EOCS Scholarship Chairman
862 Guy Lombardo Avenue
Freeport, New York 11520
516 868 4050


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