Easter concert of Children’s Choirs

Serbian Orthodox Church

With the blessing of His Holiness Patriarch Irinej of Serbia, on April 5, 2010 at the Belgrade Cathedral Church the Easter concert of Children’s choirs was held in an organization of the First Belgrade Singing Society. The concert was blessed and attended by His Holiness Bishop Atanasije of Hvosno, the Vicar of Patriarch of Serbia.

At the concert the Children choir of the Belgrade Singing Society (the conducter Emilija Milin) and the Children choir of the church singing society Branko from Nish (the conducter Jovana Mikic). In the program there were works of Serbian, Russian and Greek authors of the orthodox choral music.

It it important to say that these two choirs derive from the choirs with a long tradition: the choir of the First Belgrade Singing Society has 157 years, and the Church singing society Branko has 124 years.


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