Director of Iranian Centre for Interfaith Dialogue visits His Holiness Patriarch

Director of Iranian Centre for Interfaith Dialogue visits His Holiness at Patriarchal Monastery

MA`ARAT SAYYIDNAYA, DAMASCUS: Ms. Zahera Rashid, Director of Interfaith Dialogue, Tehran, Iran visited His Holiness Patriarch Ignatius Zakka I Iwas at St. Ephraim’s Patriarchal Monastery here on May 23, Sunday. Mr. Hasan Igypt of Iranian Cultural Centre, Damascus accompanied Ms. Rashid.

The delegation discussed about the Christian – Muslim Dialogues going on in the Middle East. Ms. Rashid pointed the Interfaith Conference held at the Catholicosate of Armenian Orthodox Church at Beirut last week a positive sign in this regard. Ms. Rashid and Mr. Igypt mentioned the key role, the Holy Syriac Orthodox Church and Moran in particular, plays to uphold the values of the relation between the two communities in the Middle East. Our Holy Father presented the delegation a book published by our publication department about the Muslim – Christian relation and dialogues.


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