Despite attempts by Turkey to eradicate Armenia and exterminate Armenians we survived because of our heroes and martyrs Stated His Holiness Catholicos Aram I

September 2015

On 12th Saturday, His Holiness Aram I arrived in Anjar (Lebanon) to commemorate the 100th Anniversary of the resistance of Musa Dagh. The Catholicos was accompanied by Bishop Shahé Paossian, Prelate of the Diocese of Lebanon, and was met by the Mayor of Anjar, Garo Pamboukian, representatives of Armenian civil society organizations, and thousands of Armenians who had come to Anjar from different parts of Lebanon.

Following the canonical prayers at St. Paul’s Church, the Catholicos went to the monument dedicated to the heroes of Musa Dagh. Mrs Tamar Snabian-Sourjian welcomed him and the Brass Band of HMEM played the national anthems of Lebanon, Musa Dagh and Armenia. Following a brief cultural programme, Catholicos Aram addressed the people and said, “Anjar began as a refugee village and today it is a prosperous town. The commemorations of the 100th anniversary of the forty days of the self-defence of the people of Musa Dagh and the Armenian Genocide have inspired us not to give up our demand for justice. The Catholicos then paid tribute to all those who had fallen in the struggle and said, “because of their sacrifice we have resurrected as a nation.” Referring to the presence of Syrian Armenians currently living in Anjar and Lebanon, His Holiness urged everyone to welcome and help them. He then met with some families and blessed all the people.

The Feast of the Holy Cross in Anjar

13 September 2015. On Sunday, at St. Paul’s Church, Bishop Shahé Panossian celebrated the Holy Liturgy dedicated to the feast of the Holy Cross, and to the commemoration of the 100thanniversary of Musa Dagh. In his sermon, His Holiness Aram I explained the deep meaning of the cross in Christianity as a symbol of death and resurrection. He then explained how the Armenian Church, guided by the cross, has accompanied its people during periods of suffering and in their ongoing struggle for justice.

At the end of the Liturgy, the Catholicos and the people walked in procession to the Musa Dagh Monument, where His Holiness blessed the memorial meal and presided over the official dinner offered in his honor by the Church Council.



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