Dedication Day Of The Pilgrimage Centre Of “Saint Paul The Apostle” Of The Romanian Patriarchate
On 29 June 2010, feast of Saints Peter and Paul the Apostles, His Grace Varlaam Ploieşteanul, Assistant Bishop to the Patriarch, celebrated the Divine Liturgy at the Patriarchal Cathedral, and awarded distinctions to the employees of the Pilgrimage Centre of “Saint Paul the Apostle” on behalf of His Beatitude Patriarch Daniel – informs ‘Lumina Newspaper‘.
His Grace Varlaam Ploieşteanul awarded, on behalf of His Beatitude Patriarch Daniel, several diplomas and distinctions of honour and merit to the employees of the Pilgrimage Centre of “Saint Paul the Apostle”, which celebrated its dedication day yesterday, in order to emphasise the work and faithfulness of the employees of this institution.
Patriarchal Counsellor Leonard Ciofu, co-ordinator of the Pilgrimage Centre, Director Diana Iorga and Oana Florina Lungu, pilgrimage co-ordinator since 2003, were awarded the diploma of honour of “Saint Andrew the Apostle”.
“We remember the words of Saint Paul the Apostle who tells us “never forget to do good and help, because such sacrifices are pleasant to God”, according to the prerogatives provided by the Statutes for the Organisation and Functioning of the Romanian Orthodox Church and award, as a sign of our appreciation and blessing for the service implemented in the Church, the diploma of honour of Saint Andrew the Apostle” reads the text of diploma awarded to the three employees of the Centre.
His Beatitude Patriarch Daniel awarded Rev. Alin Calinic Hotcoleanu, deacon Nicolae Argatu, Simona Cerin, Alexandru Matache and Vasile Cristea the distinction of merit of “Saint Dimitrie the New” because they have been employed for more than a year.
The staff members more recently employed were awarded the diploma of honour of Saint Emperor Constantine and of his mother Helen. So, such diplomas of honour were awarded to Vicolae Tatu, Elena-Alexandra Mitelea, Carmen Creţu, Ecaterina Măriora and Elena-Gabriela Indreiu.
Diligence for preaching and implementing the Gospel
His Grace Bishop Varlaam spoke in the sermon delivered about the personalities of Saints Peter and Paul the Apostles.
“We can learn from these two Apostles their diligence both for preaching and for implementing the Gospel. They were faithful to the words of the Saviour who said that whoever would learn and practice, would be great in the Kingdom of the God. These two Apostles lived and taught other people to live in Christ. Their devotion for Christ, their faithfulness to the Gospel, while surrounded by so much risk and trouble, make them holy icons which we all must imitate”, said His Grace Bishop Varlaam in his sermon.
It was also yesterday that His Grace Varlaam awarded the rank of iconom to Rev. Cristinel Trandafir, parish priest of the church of Saint Basil the Great – Victoria, with red girdle and epigonation.
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