Copts without Borders demand purge of Patriarch voters’ list

Al-Masry, Al-Youm

A delegation from “Copts without Borders” has met with Bishop Morkos, the church leader of the Shubra al-Kheima district and head of the registration committee for the papal election.

The delegation handed Morkos a memorandum containing information on voters who are on electoral lists but whom the group feels are ineligible to participate in elections that will help determine the next Patriarch.

The movement objected to some voters whom it described as “elite Copts,” as well as public figures whom they felt were biased towards political authority and against Coptic people and their rights.

The group described many of the voters it objected to as those who “denied the foundations of the True Orthodox Faith, through writings or statements made to the press and in the media.”

The selection process could take months and involve up to 1,500 people. Under the bylaws issued in 1957, the pope is elected by Coptic bishops, politicians, notable citizens and newspaper owners and editors.

Once the vote is completed, a blindfolded child will choose a name from a hat containing the names of the three candidates with the highest number of votes. Candidates must be at least 40 years old and have spent at least 15 years in monastic life.

Among the prominent personalities the movement objected to was a businessman known as “H,” whom had previously been rejected as the late Pope Shenouda III’s spokesperson. The movement also objected to a Coptic thinker known as “N,” saying, “The man is the most hated in the Coptic public opinion, and is known for his hypocrisy, and his bias to the authority at the expense of the Copts and the blood of their martyrs.” The group also criticized N’s writings where he praised the Muslim Brotherhood.

Mansy Thabey, a member of the registration committee for the papal election, said that the appeals committee will complete its work by the end of the week. Thabey added that other names will be included on the voter list and that the nominations committee will consider standards of appeals at their meeting Tuesday.

Edited translation from Al-Masry Al-Youm


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