Coptic Orthodox Church Consecrate Holy Chrism

Coptic Orthodox Church Consecrate Holy Chrism

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OCP News Service – 12/3/21

Cairo-Egypt: His Holiness Pope Tawadros II of Alexandria lead the concentration process of the Holy Chrism (Myron) at the Monastery of Saint Bishoy n Wadi El Natrun, in Beheira Governorate. The Primate of the Coptic Church was assisted by the fellow Prelates of the Church with the procedures. The prayers and rituals lasted two days. The final ceremony will take place on the day of the Orthodox Eastern in Egypt. Until then the sanctified oil will be kept inside the Altar of the Church.

Several priests and faithful participated in the ceremony. Precautions were followed as part of the COVID-19 protocol. The Holy Chrism was previously consecrated in 2017.

OCP News Service

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