Coptic organizations agree on dialogue with the Brotherhood


Three Coptic organizations have agreed to engage in a dialogue with the Muslim Brotherhood.

The Union of Coptic Youth, a party under construction, the World Student Christian Federation and the General Authority for Christian Youth Associations, have agreed to enter into dialogue.

The agreement was followed by a meeting between representatives of Muslim Brotherhood youth and Coptic youth groups at Assad Ibn al-Furat Mosque in Dokki, Cairo.

Even though the Coptic Orthodox Church has denied starting a dialogue with the Brotherhood, several bishops and clerics have met with leaders from the Islamist group.

In Sharabeyya, a delegation from the Brotherhood met with leaders from the Mar Girgis Church and the Virgin Mary Church and started a dialogue titled “One National Vision”. A delegation from the Brotherhood also met with leaders from Qena Monastery.

The Brotherhood said there is a need to hold periodical meetings between the two sides.

Rami Kamel, coordinator for the Coptic Youth Movement, meanwhile, said his movement rejects dialogue with the Brotherhood. Kamel said he would not sit down with the Brotherhood until they have apologized to Egyptians and Copts for treating Copts as second-class citizens.

Translated from the Arabic Edition


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