Coptic Church intervenes in political debate in Egypt


Pope Tawadros blessed on Tuesday a youth-led revolt against Mohamed Mursi and the army’s moves to end the political crisis by pressuring Mursi to step down.

World Bulletin / News Desk

Egypt’s Pope Tawadros tweeted his blessing on Tuesday for a youth-led revolt against President Mohamed Mursi and for the army’s moves to end the political crisis by pressuring Mursi to step down, a measure which the ruling Muslim Brotherhood has denounced as a coup.

Reflecting the deep anxiety among Egypt’s millions of Christians since the election victories of Mursi and the Brotherhood last year, the head of the Coptic Church said on Twitter:

“A salute, in tribute and glorification, to the trio that makes Egypt great: the people … the army … and youth.

“Long live my country, free and strong.

“How impressive are the Egyptian people, as they reclaim the revolution that was stolen from them, in a civilised and highly elegant manner with the idea of “tamarud” (revolt). I pray for all the people of Egypt.”


A lot of Egyptians have reacted to the Pope’s intervention to politics. Egyptians have interpreted the issue by saying, “If Pope Shunude were here today, he would not issue any statement and would not take sides with anyone.”

Approxiametely, 10 percent of Egypt’s 84 million people are Christians.



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