Constitutive session of the Commission of the Holy Assembly of Bishops for revision of the Constitution of the Serbian Orthodox Church


On Monday, July 2, 2012 at the Patriarchate, the constitutive session of the Commission of the Holy Assembly of Bishops for revision of the Constitution of the Serbian Orthodox Church. The Holy Assembly of Bishops of the Serbian Orthodox Church with its decision of June 16, 2011 formed the Commission for revision of the Constitution of the SOC consisting of: His Eminence Metropolitan Dr Amfilohije of Montenegro and the Littoral, president; His Grace Archbishop of Ohrid and Metropolitan of Skopje Dr Jovan; Their Graces Bishops Dr Irinej of Backa, Dr Ignjatije of Branicevo and retired Dr Atanasije of Zahumlje-Herzegovina; protopresbyter-staurophor Dr Zoran Krstic, hieromonk MSc Nikodim (Kosovic); protodeacon Dr Stanimir Spasovic; prof. Dr Sima Avramovic; professor Dr Nenad Milosevic and Milan Andric,members, as well as protopresbyter-staurophor MSc Velibor Dzomic, secretary.

After the prayer, the beginning of the work of the Assembly Commission was blessed by His Holiness Irinej, Serbian Patriarch wishing their members successful work in a new composition and pointing out at the significance of the revision of the Constitution of the Serbian Orthodox Church i.e. adapt to new circumstances and conditions, given that so far the current Constitution was adopted in 1931 and since then it been amended several times for the successful realization of the mission of our Church. His Holiness expressed a belief that the Commission would carefully consider all relevant matters and that in a timely manner would perform the task entrusted to it is the Holy Assembly of Bishops.

The Commission, headed by Metropolitan Amfilohije, also discussed principle issues concerning the the place of the church constitution in the canonical tradition of the Church, about the constitutions of other the local Churches and the future work . An unanimous decision was reached for the sake of the successful and quality work, to engage as consultants of the Commission Dr. Vlassios Fidas, professor of the University of Athens; Dr Theodoros Jangu, professor of the University of Thessaloniki; archimandrite Dr Georgios Papathomas, professor of the University of Athens: protopresbyter-staurophor Dr Vladimir Tsipin, professor of the Moscow Spiritual Academy; academician Kosta Cavoski; Dr Nenad Djurdjevic, professor of the University of Kragujevac; and lawyer Miroslav-Minja Nikolic.
It was also concluded that it is necessary to gather and systematize all the decisions of the Holy Assembly of Bishops of the constitutional character of the previous period in order be adequately reflected in the new Constitution.


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