Communique From the Serbian Orthodox Church


The Committee of the Holy Assembly of Bishops for the preparation of marking the 1700th anniversary of the Edict of Milan as a co-organizer along with the Association of non-government organizations of South-East Europe – CIVIS, Austrian foundation PRO ORIENTE and Swiss PEACE AND CRISIS MANAGEMENT FOUNDATION organizes a promotion of the book – collection of works of the conference participants UNCHANGING VALUE AND PERMANENT ACTUALITY OF THE EDICT OF MILAN – TOWARDS THE GREAT JUBILEE OF 2013, which was held in Nis, at the St. Sava’s House of the Diocese of Nis, from February 24-26 of this year.

The promotion of the book will be held
in a great amphitheatre of the Faculty of the Orthodox Theology
(11b Mije Kovacevica str. , Belgrade),
November 3, 2011, beginning at 19:00 hours

At the promotion about this collection of works will be discussed by: His Grace Bishop Dr Irinej of Backa, His Grace Bishop Dr Porfirije of Jegar, Professor Dr Bogoljub Sijakovic, monsignor Dr Andrija Kopilovic and Ms. Mirjana Prljevic, the international secretary general of the CIVIS Association.

It is expected that His Holiness Irinej, Serbian Patriarch also would be present there.
The International scientific meeting, organized in Nis, had a goal to gather prominent historians and theorists, dedicated to research of the time, character and the role of Constantine the Great.
For all additional information, please contact us by phone 011/ 26.21.723 or by email

Bojana Popovic
CIVIS Association


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