Church of Saint Dumitru – Colentina of Bucharest Was Re-consecrated by the Patriarch of Romanian


This morning His Beatitude Daniel, Patriarch of the Romanian Orthodox Church has re-consecrated the orthodox church in Colentina district of Bucharest, dedicated to Saint Great Martyr Dimitrie. This event represents the climax of the 12 years of renovation of the church both inside and outside.

After re-consecration, His Beatitude Patriarch Daniel celebrated the Divine Liturgy assisted by a group of priests and deacons in the presence of hundreds of faithful.

In the sermon delivered for those present, His Beatitude Patriarch Daniel spoke about the importance of today’s feast, that of All Saints: “Saint Maxim the Confessor said, in the 7th century, that love is that state of the heart which prefers God to any other creature, who loves God more than any other creature of this world. So, the Saints are people who love God. They have often left the world, with all its turmoil, slyness and wickedness and took refuge in the deserts. But after they purified themselves of passions, of bad thoughts and looks through prayer and fasting, they filled themselves of the presence and work of the Holy Spirit, so that they turned from worldly people into spiritual ones. The people whom they avoided rushed after them in the desert.

Patriarch Daniel has also spoken of the importance of the life lived in holiness: “Holiness is the gift of God, it is the very presence of the Holy Trinity through the grace of the Holy Spirit in the human’s life. It cannot be made or bought, but received through humble request, much prayer and fight against the selfishness of our passions.”

To end with the feast, several diplomas of merit were awarded to those who brought special contribution to the restoration of the place of worship.


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