Church most trusted institutions in Moldavia – poll

Chisinau, August 25, Interfax – Among the non-governmental institutions in Moldavia the Church enjoys the most public confidence (80.2%), while the media are trusted by just over half.

The army is the most trusted public institution, according to recent poll findings conducted by the Institute of Marketing and Surveys IMAS-INC.

The army is trusted by 62.8% of respondents, the Chisinau City Hall by 53.6%, the government 39%, parliament 36.7%, and the president 32.1%, the pollster told Interfax.

At 30.9%, the public trust the police force the least.

Moldovans trust trade unions the least (21.3%), political parties (24.9%) and nongovernmental organizations (25.1%).

2,012 respondents took part in the poll conducted between July 26 and August 12.


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