Christian and Islamic Denominations Take Part in Divine Liturgy for Syria’s Safety

Fadi Allafi /Mazen Eyon

DAMASCUS, (SANA) – Islamic and Christian denominations on Thursday took part in divine liturgy at the Holy Cross Church after a day of fasting announced by Christian bishops in Damascus as to pray for Syria’s protection from all conspiracies.

Assistant Patriarch for Roman Orthodox Luke al-Khouri said “All heavenly religions preach amity, tolerance and combating evil. This proves that religion gathers and unifies us”.

For his part, Bishop Anthon Dora from the Maronite Church said heavenly religions represent values of amity, tolerance, equality, transparency, social justice and respecting privacy so that “the sun of freedom rises over the darkness of corruption and sectarianism and the current events in Syria”.

A number of citizens participating in the mass stressed that Syria is now in need more than any time before to national unity which is a significant example for coexistence and tolerance to emerge safe and sound.

Meanwhile, the Antioch community of the Roman Orthodox in Lebanon called for commitment to national issues through establishing economic, educational and civil organizations for public benefit.

The community hoped that Syria would achieve its hoped-for reforms and continue its active role on the regional arena.


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