Choose school and the feast of the Theological Educational Department of the Romanian Patriarchate


The first stage of the educational project Choose school! initiated by the Romanian Patriarchate through the Theological Educational Department and the World Vision Organisation has reached its end. Today too, one day before, the Theological Educational Department of the Romanian Patriarchate has celebrated its saint patron, Saint Hierarch Grigorie Dascalu.

The event took place on 21 June 2012, in Europa Christiana room of the Patriarchal Palace, through a festive session where His Beatitude Daniel, Patriarch of the Romanian Orthodox Church also participated. His Beatitude read a blessing speech entitled “Saint Grigorie Dascalu, protector and model for the educational activity of the Romanian Patriarchate”.

To start with the event, Rev Patriarchal Counsellor Constantin Patuleanu emphasised in his speech the fact that the Theological Educational Department of the Romanian Patriarchate should continue the activity of Metropolitan Grigorie Dascalu, especially the educational one.

“This activity proves that we are the continuators of the activity the Metropolitan of Wallachia, Grigorie Dascalu, unfolded in Wallachia, as well as that he is the protector and model of the Theological Educational Department”, said Rev Constantin Patuleanu.

Further on, His Grace Varlaam Ploiesteanul, Assistant Bishop to the Patriarch eulogized the personality of the great Saint Hierarch Grigorie Dascalu, emphasising his importance for the promotion of education and culture in the Romanian territory.

Then, rev counsellor Constantin Naclad spoke about the Choose school project, showing that this one involves the promotion of the Christian values for educational motivation.

“Choose school!” project, first stage, was implemented in 10 eparchies of the Metropolitanates of Muntenia and Dobrudgea and of Moldova and Bucovina. The project included sessions of formation, camps for children, as well as a national contest of creation. The number of the indirect beneficiaries, children aged from 6 to 16 years old, involved in all this activity, was over 10,000.

“We think that the initiation, implementation and continuity of the Choose school! project continues the religious education in schools and family, with the Church coming in the situation of the children risking school abandon in order to integrate them into the community based on the culture of love and communion in Christ, our Saviour.

Christ is not a historical moment, but He is with us and in us every day and every moment, eternally. Choose school! project represents a success of all those who put a part of their soul for continuing the Romanian nation through the Church. There is no greater joy than make a child happy when he is deprived of love, friendship or material possibilities”, rev Constantin Naclad said.

Mr. Catalin Popa, executive director of World Vision Romania Foundation has also taken the floor thanking His Beatitude Patriarch Daniel for hosting, for the blessing given to this project and for the uninterrupted support granted to the partnership between World Vision and the Romanian Orthodox Church.

During the project implementation, World Vision Romania provided school supplies and computers, the psycho-pedagogical formation of the priests and religion teachers involved, sport manuals, as well as the equipment needed for unfolding the necessary activity.

To end with, the Patriarch of Romanian congratulated and encouraged all those involved in the project implementation.

“Today is a day of joy and hope, joy because when looking back we can see that the project bore fruit in the souls of the children involved, a fact also confirmed by the awards given on 21 and 22 May on the Joy Hill, on the occasion of the celebration day of the Patriarchal Cathedral, Saints Constantine and Helen, when the best children involved in the project received substantial presents on behalf of the organisers.

This moment is an occasion of hope too, because the organisers can analyse the results successfully got during the first stage of Choose the school! project and they can continue in a new stage in order to diversify the cultural educational and pastoral missionary activity of the Romanian Patriarchate.

We congratulate all those present for the results gotten and wish you new achievements in the future for the glory of God, for the welfare of our Church and joy of the children and young people, with great appreciation and fatherly blessing”, also said His Beatitude.

His Grace Ciprian Campineanul, Assistant Bishop to the Patriarch was also present.

The second stage of Choose school! project implemented in Transylvania, Banat, Oltenia, South of Moldavia and Dobrudgea, will continue till 2013.


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