Celebration of Saint Sava at Saint Sava Memorial Cathedral on Vracar

Janaury 2014

His Holiness Irinej, Serbian Patriarch celebrated today, on Saint Sava Day, the Hierarchal Divine Liturgy at Saint Sava Memorial Cathedral on Vracar. The clergy of the Archbishopric of Belgrade-Karlovac concelebrated, but also guests from Russia, Greece, as well other dioceses of the Serbian Orthodox Church.

At the Cathedral there were also: director of the Office for Cooperation with Churches and Religious Communities Dr. Mileta Radojevic, protomaster of Saint Sava Cathedral Professor Vojislav Milovanovic, representative of the Crown Council Mr. Dragoslav Acovic, lots of residents of the capital, as well as pupils of the elementary school Saint Sava from Vracar.

After blessing the slava cake, Serbian Patriarch presented the high dinstinction of the Serbian Orthodox Church, the order of Saint Sava of the Second Degree to Mr. Vladimir Matovic for the active love towards the holy Mother Church, especially proven by his great professional contribution during the construction of the greatest church of the Serbian Orthodox Church.

His Holiness visited today the Faculty of Orthodox Theology of the University of Belgrade on the ocasion of Saint Sava Day, the Patron Saint-day of the schools.



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