Catholicose Baselious Thomas met with Prime Minister Manmohan Singh & UPA President Mrs. Sonia Gandhi

Syrian Orthodox Church in India

INDIA/NEW DELHI: H.B Catholicose Baselious Thomas 1st (Catholicos of Indian and Metropolitan Trustee of the Syrian Orthodox Church in India) had a meeting with Honorable Prime Minister Manmohan Singh & UPA President Mrs. Sonia Gandhi. H.B urged to open the closed churches in Malankara due to the dispute between the rival faction, in-between the meeting.

Both the leaders enquired about the health of H.H Patriarch Ignatious Zakka 1st and extended their warm wishes to the Head of Syrian Orthodox Church to H.B Catholicose. Also both leaders appreciated Catholicose of India for the stand of Jacobite Syrian Orthodox Church for keeping religious harmony & standing for the backward community. H.G Issac Mor Osthathiose (Asst. Metrapolitian Delhi Diocese), Diocean Secretary Rev. Fr. Issac Mathew, Lay Secretary of the diocese Rajan Scaria, Joint secretary Sunny Thomas, St. Peter’s Cathedral Vice President T. S Samuel & Dn. Shanu Poulose were present during the meeting.


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