Catholicos of All Armenians Met With Soldiers of NKR Defense Army


Mother See of Holy Etchmiadzin – September 2016

On August 6, His Holiness Karekin II, Supreme Patriarch and Catholicos of All Armenians; accompanied by the members of the Supreme Spiritual Council (SSC), visited a military unit of the Nagorno Karabagh Republic (NKR) Defense Army, where they met with commanders and soldiers.

At the unit His Holiness and the SSC members where welcomed by Lieutenant-General Levon Mnatsakanyan, the NKR Minister of Defense. Following the welcome, the Catholicos of All Armenians conveyed his Pontifical blessings to the soldiers.

Following the offering the “Protector” prayer, His Holiness spoke to the officers and soldiers, expressing joy at the opportunity of meeting with them during his visit to Artsakh. “We are here to express our appreciation and love to you, and also show our respect to your committed heroic deeds, which we witnessed during the days of the April war. We saw how courageously you disabled the attack of the Azerbaijani forces and drove them back from our borders.We offer our esteem to our brave soldiers: heroes of our nation, who protected our homeland with their own lives.

…Glory to you, brave Armenian soldiers of the NKR army. Once again, glory to your friends, who are buried in the sacred and holy land of Artsakh and Armenia”, stated His Holiness.

Noting that the defense of the Homeland is a sacred duty for every son of the nation, His Holiness highlighted the importance of strengthening their faith. “It is through faith that our people have taken all victories of our history; starting from the Vardanants war to Sardarapat and Artsakh. During the April war in Artsakh, we saw that strong faith in our soldiers.

… Due to our winning spirit and faith, our soldiers were able to have a victorious war.
Beloved ones, this is a holy and sacred land, as here we have sacred sanctuaries, created by our faithful children for centuries. This is a holy and sacred land as also here is shed the sweat and blood of our precious children and ancestors. Today, you are the defenders of this cherished homeland. These borders should be protected, through dedication, and brave and heroic spirit of faith”, added His Holiness.

“You’re always in our prayers, we love you. Every child of the nation, both in the homeland and Diaspora loves you. Our nation is always by your side through her love and spirit and commitment. Our Church is also by your side with her resources and abilities, as well as with her servants”, stressed the Catholicos of All Armenians.

“May God Almighty always keep the arm of the Armenian soldier victorious and keep the youth safe and away from all trials so that after completing their service with glory and honor, they will return to their families, giving joy to their parents and to all the people.” His Holiness expressed his wish that the Lord decorate the soldier’s life with successes and victories, so that Armenia would always be prosperous, the Army – powerful, and the Armenian people would live in peace and build a prosperous life.

Following the formal remarks, His Holiness and the SSC members spoke with the soldiers.



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