Call for Help and Mercy


Recommend by the Moldovan Orthodox Church

With humility and obedience, I appeal to all people, help me have my child operated abroad!

I have two children. The first child was born with the right year closed and deformed, he cannot hear, and in present faces severe complications of the nervous system. He cannot stand loud sounds, is very agitated, seeps badly at nights, because the sounds are reflected only in one direction. We need an urgent surgery that costs 20 thousand EURO.

The second child is disabled, he has epilepsy, and his intellectual capacities are reducing. He has frequent epileptic fits.

I am also epileptic. My husband died in 2008 in a car accident. We are in deep need, we live only on 260 ley’s monthly allowance. After my husband died, my two children and I remained without any support. I often lose consciousness because of epilepsy, and I can’t help my children.

I have higher education in Theology, but I can’t work because of my disease. I am desperate for not being supported by anybody.

We need financial and humanitarian assistance. We accept any help.

Please, help us!

Thank you in advance. Let God reward your mercy.

These are our bank details:

Bank: (R) BC Mobiasbanca SA Groupe Societe Generale

Bank Code: MOBBMD22

Account in MDL (Moldovan Lei): 2311710SV49226347100

Account in Euro: 2311710SV49152407100

Account in US Dollars (USD): 2311710SV49153117100


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