Bulgarian Muslims Rebuild Christian Neighbors’ Church


A unique picture of inter-religious tolerance can be viewed in a Northeastern Bulgarian village called Kamburovo, with local Muslims working to rebuild a church.

Muslims are not only volunteering to rebuild the church in Kamburovo, Municipality of Omurtag, but some of the funds for the reconstruction of the Christian temple were actually provided by the mosque in the village, the BGNES news agency reported Thursday.

Even though the Christian population of the village has dwindled to only 10% of the total, the local Muslims and Christians continue as ever before to share their holidays, the most recently example being the celebrations during the Muslim holy month of Ramadan.

The common celebrations of each others’ religious holidays are not uncommon in the ethnically and religiously diverse regions in Southern and Northeastern Bulgaria, which feature population of ethnic Turks and ethnic Bulgarian Muslims. Nor are the donations for the religious temples of the others’ community.


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