Bishop Irinej consecrates the cross for the church of St. Peter of Cetinje in Lovcenac


In the evening of the feast day of St. Elijah the Prophet, on Sunday, July 19/ August 1 of this year, His Grace Dr. Irinej, the orthodox Bishop of Backa, consecrated the cross for the church of St. Peter of Cetinje the Wonderworker in Lovcenac.

Bishop Irinej congratulated the faithful for all the efforts for the building of the holy church, expressing his hope that very soon the church of Lovcenac will be consecrated as well. After that Bishop held a sermon about the character and virtues of St. Elijah the Prophet.

The vesper service was attended by High Reverend Mr. István Csete Szemesi, Bishop of the Reformed Christian Church, and Mr. Ferenc Brasnyó, Roman catholic parish priest from Mali Idjos, who on behalf of their communities conveyed the greetings to the orthodox believers of the Lovcenac parish.


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