Bishop Angaelos Enthroned as the first Coptic Orthodox Bishop of London
Deacon Daniel Malyon – (Delegate of United Kingdom)-19/11/17
London- UK: On 18th November, His Grace Bishop Angaelos was Enthroned as the first Coptic Bishop of London at St. George Coptic Orthodox Cathedral in Stevenage. To celebrate this, many Orthodox and Ecumenical guests attended the event to give thanks to God and see this historic occasion. The Synodal delegation for this event included Metropolitan Bakhomious of Damanhur and Beheira, Metropolitan Suriel of Melbourne, Bishop David of New York and New Jersey, Bishop Kyrillos, Bishop Daniel and Bishop Rafael, the Secretary of the Holy Synod. As well as this, Bishop Antony of Scotland, Ireland and North-West England attended with a number of clergy to represent his Diocese.
Amongst those Oriental Orthodox clergy in attendance were Bishop Athanasios Toma of the Syriac Orthodox Church and Bishop Hovakim of the Armenian Apostolic Church. Metropolitan Silouan of the Antiochan Orthodox Church and Bishop Elisey of the Russian Orthodox Church attended as representatives of the Eastern Orthodox communities in the UK.
Both Oriental Orthodox gave speeches on the importance of this event and the significance for the Oriental Orthodox community of having a Diocese in this multicultural city to strengthen the place of the Oriental Orthodox community as part of the landscape of Christianity in the UK. Bishop Elisey also spoke on the significance of the event, speaking of how he has in the past advised Russian Orthodox youth to listen to speeches by HG Bishop Angaelos to gain an understanding of how to live out the Gospel in the UK.
A number of Ecumenical guests also spoke; including representatives of the Prime Minister’s office, Archbishop of Canterbury, Catholic-Oriental forum and Churches together in England. Following these were final words by HG Bishop Angaelos on the nature of service over his 22 year time in the UK and a final act of humility in washing the feet of children of the Diocese as Christ did to his disciples.
After the service was a reception, in which His Grace and the others members of the Synod spoke with media and guests before sitting down for a meal.
Photos – www.twitter.com/Bishopangaelos
OCP News Service