Basilica Press Centre at Anniversary Time, at the Patriarchate

Romanian Orthodox Church

On the feast of the Holy Trinity, Basilica Press Centre of the Romanian Patriarchate celebrates its saint patron. On this occasion His Grace Varlaam Ploieşteanul, Assistant Bishop to the Patriarch celebrated the Divine Liturgy and a Te Deum in the Patriarchal Cathedral, assisted by a group of priests and deacons within the Basilica Press Centre. The employees of the Press Centre and many faithful were present.

During the Divine Liturgy, His Grace explained the evangelical pericope of the feast, which reveals the truth on the Most Holy Trinity, a Divinity in One Being, but in three Hypostasis. His Grace emphasised the fact that the dogma of the Holy Trinity is the basis of our Christian teaching.

Te Deum for the employees of Basilica Press Centre

To end with the Divine Liturgy, His Grace Varlaam celebrated the Te Deum service assisted by the priests and deacons employed in various branches of the Press Centre.

After Te Deum, His Grace Varlaam read the message of His Beatitude Daniel, Patriarch of the Romanian Orthodox Church, at the feast of the Most Holy Trinity, the protector of Basilica Press Centre of the Romanian Patriarchate, entitled Mass media employees of the Word of Life.

The celebration of its saint patron was an occasion of joy and communion for all those employed at Trinitas Television, Trinitas Radio, Basilica Press Agency, “Lumina” publications within the Press Office of the Romanian Patriarchate, as well as for many faithful who came to the Patriarchal Cathedral.

Patriarchal Blessing

The employees and collaborators of Basilica Press Centre were blessed by His beatitude Patriarch Daniel. His Beatitude congratulated them in Europa Christiana room of the Patriarchate Palace for all the activity they develop within the framework of the five branches of the Centre.

Basilica Press Centre was set up at the initiative and with the blessing of His Beatitude Daniel, Patriarch of the Romanian Orthodox Church, on 27 October 2007. Basilica Press Centre of the Romanian Patriarchate is seated in Bucharest and is made up of five branches: Trinitas Radio, Trinitas Television, “Lumina” newspaper, Sunday “Lumina” weekly, “Vestitorul Ortodoxiei” monthly publication, Basilica News Agency and the Press Office.


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