Awkaf Minister, Patriarch Yazigi: Syria will triumph thanks to Syrians’ unity


Damascus, (SANA) – Minister of Awqaf (Religious Endowments) Mohammad Abdul-Sattar al- Sayyed stressed that Syria will triumph thanks to the unity of its people, Moslems and Christians, and their persistence on confronting the conspiracy they are facing.

The Minister’s remark came during a visit he paid to Patriarch John X Yazigi of Antioch and All the East for Greek Orthodox Church at the Damascus- based Patriarchy HQ Tuesday on occasion of Christmas.

The Minister pointed out that the fierce Wahhabist, Takfiri attack targets the Moslem and Christian sanctuaries and clergymen, the recent of which were the abduction of Aleppo two archbishops and Maaloula nuns, clarifying that this exposes their criminal ideology.

Al-Sayyed said ” They claim that they belong to Islam, but they are disowned by it, yet whatever they commit, they will make the Syrian people more adherent to their homeland.”

For his part, Patriarch Yazigi stressed that Syria is the cradle of religions and civilizations, pointing out that all attempts to disunite the Syrian people have failed.

R. Milhem / Ghossoun



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