Assyrians in Europe to Gather for Inaugural Convention
AINA- September 2016
Stockholm (AINA) — Assyrians in Europe will gather for a pan-European convention for the first time on October 8 and 9. The convention will take place in the city of Gothenburg in the Swedish west-coast.
The program includes seminars, work shops, key note speeches by special guests and a fund-raising gala. The convention is organized by the newly established Assyrian Confederation of Europe, an alliance between Assyrian national federations in three Germany, Sweden and Belgium.
The aim of the Assyrian Confederation is to organize the Assyrian European community, numbering more than half a million. The convention, which is planned to become an annual event, will be held in different European cities each autumn.
Assyrians who wish to participate in the convention are encouraged to register via
Assyrian International News Agency.
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