Armenian Deputy Patriarch of Constantinople complains about discrimination against Armenians in Turkey


ISTANBUL. – Archbishop Aram Ateshyan, the Armenian Deputy Patriarch of Constantinople, and the spiritual leaders of Turkey’s Assyrian Catholic and Orthodox communities also attended the conference held in Istanbul and devoted to the preparations for the country’s new Constitution.

In his address at the event, Archbishop Ateshyan noted that Turkey’s current Constitution has a distressing point, according to which all citizens of the Republic of Armenia are considered Turks.

“We know that we are the citizens of Turkey, but Armenian citizens of Turkey. You cannot say that everyone who is a citizen of Turkey is a Turk. A change must be made here. I cannot become even a police [officer]. Everyone is equal before the law, but, in reality, that equality does not exist,” the Armenian Deputy Patriarch of Constantinople stated, Haberler news agency of Turkey informs.


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