Armenian church wants justice, suing for 7 Bible Pages


Nick Doms

The Western Prelacy of the Armenian Apostolic Church of America is seeking justice in a Los Angeles court for the return of 7 missing pages of their Holy Book, currently held by the Paul Getty Museum.

The seven key pages were found missing when the Bible was returned to the Armenian Church after WWII and were not located again until 2007 when they showed up at the Los Angeles museum. The Zeyt’un Bible was originally created for Constantine I in 1256 by Master Illuminator T’oros Roslin and is considered the most valuable national treasure of the Armenian people.

During the 1915-1918 invasion of Armenia and the subsequent genocide of millions of Armenians by the Turkish army, the Bible was given in safekeeping to a prominent and royal Armenian family to protect the Holy Book from falling into the hands of the persecutors and enemies.

The onslaught of the Armenian people has largely gone by unnoticed and has never been widely reported in history books, nor have the people received any official apology or even recognition for the intentional elimination of Armenians.

Armenia represents a birthplace of Faith that finds its roots back to 2,000 BC when after the great flood Noah’s Arc came to rest on the mountains of Ararat and the three sons spread the word of God, which we now know as Judaism, Christianity and Islam and are all derived from Abrahamism. While two disciples from the twelve came and preached Christianity in Armenia, the country is the first to declare Christianity as the only official religion in 301. While Christians were being persecuted throughout the world and the Roman Empire, Armenia was a safe haven for the followers of Christianity.

The return of the seven pages would be viewed as a sign of peace; restitution and respect for the important role Armenian people have played throughout Biblical history and would be a welcoming gift for all religious people to know that the original Zeyt’un Holy Bible is finally whole again.



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    This Petition Is Very Important Document Must Be signed By Every One in The World And Will Be Sent To USA President And Congress And Than To The Rest Of Countries Leaders Which They Have Signatures On The Peace Treaty Of SEVRES, France On August 10,1920 TAKE ACTION Please Sooner Better And Faster Results,
    That Is Your Human Rights And Your LOVE One’s and ARMENIA, Get Together and United We Will Over Come The Obstacles If We Be UNITED,

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