Archbishop Chrysostom II of Cyprus Visits Patriarch John X of Antioch & President Bashar Asad of Syria

Archbishop Chrysostom II of Cyprus Visits Patriarch John X of Antioch & President Bashar Asad of Syria

The Anthiochian Patriarcate  – July- Augut 2016

Archbishop of Cyprus is at the Patriarchate in Damascus

22 July, 2016

His Beatitude Archbishop of Cyprus Chrysostomos II arrived to Damascus. He was received at the Mariamite Church by His Beatitude John X Patriarch of Antioch and all the East and a gathering of people.

His Beatitude arrived first at Beirut airport, and received, on behalf of His Beatitude, by Metropolitan of Beirut Elias Aude and Metropolitan of Tyre and Sidon Elias Kfoury and bishops Luke Al-Khoury and Costa Kayal with priests and faithful and Mr. Ali Abd Al-Kareem the Syrian ambassador in Lebanon.

When arriving at the Lebanese-Syrian borders His Beatitude was received by His Eminence Ephraim and Dr. Adnan Al-Aphiouny the Moufty of Damascus, and the manager of Minister of Awqaf’s office Dr. Nabeel Soulaiman.


The president of the republic receives their Beatitudes archbishop Chrysostom II and Patriarch John X

The president of the republic receives their Beatitudes archbishop Chrysostom II and Patriarch John X

The president of the Syrian Arab Republic Dr. Bashshar Asad received their beatitudes Chrysostom of Cyprus, and John X of Antioch and the entire east in the visit which his beatitude (of Cyprus) paid to Damascus.

In the meeting, his Excellency the president of the republic received his Beatitude, highly evaluating the role of the visit in carrying a live image of what is going on in Syria, assuring and stressing the importance of the role of the churches in spreading out the spirit of peace and dialogue among religions and peoples. He also stressed the importance of gathering the international and regional efforts to resist terror which is hitting everywhere.




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