Appeal by Archbishop Peter of Chicago and Mid-America on help for the victims of destructive Hurricane Harvey


The Official Website of the Synod of Bishops of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia – September 2017

Beloved in Christ Brothers and Sisters!

The Lord has visited us by testing our faith through the terrible, deadly storm that befell the states of Texas and Louisiana in our Diocese.

Thanks be to the Lord God, both our parishes in Houston, St Vladimir and St John did not suffer, but some of the parishioners lost everything.

I considered traveling to Houston to visit the victims of the storm, but I decided that my trip would only distract and interfere with the recovery. Therefore, I cannot personally speak about the situation there.

However, our Diocese is working together with IOCC (International Orthodox Christian Charities) to provide help to all the victims of the storm. Those who desire to help may do so by contributing to the collections in their parishes we have already blessed to take place, by contributing directly to IOCC, or by sending contributions to the Treasurer of our Diocese, Mr Andrei Urtiew, at:

Diocese of Chicago and Mid-America
P.O. Box 1367
Des Plaines, IL 60017

May the Lord reward the donors a hundredfold!

With Love in the Lord,
Archbishop Peter.


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