
On November 10th, 2011, the Orthodox Church of Moldova, represented by the Metropolis of Moldova, presented to the Ministry of Justice its Review of the draft law on the amendment and completion of the Law No. 125 – XVI of May 11th, 2007, with regard to religious cults and their components. Following the discussions with the Ministry of Justice officials, the draft Law was modified.

1. Excluded was the notion of religious structure with no legal entity, that is, having no obligation to register with the competent authorities. If this provision hadn’t been amended, it would have opened the doors to all unregistered religious currents – sects – to act on the territory of our country.

2. Cancelled was the obligation of all religious entities, including religious communities, i.e. all parishes, to register all their members. In fact, if this provision hadn’t been amended, all religious communities would have been compelled to register their parishioners, which is impossible in practice and would have stirred discontent and misunderstanding among the believers.

The draft law on the amendment and completion of the Law on religious cults and their components, proposed for the approval of the Government of the Republic of Moldova by the Ministry of Justice, does not essentially amend the legal framework with regard to religious cults.

The draft law on cults and freedom of consciousness, presented by the Metropolis of Moldova to the Ministry of Justice for review and consideration will be discussed within a joined commission that will be instituted this week at the Ministry of Justice.


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