A Letter to Pope Francis Concerning His Past, the Abysmal State of Papism, and a Plea to Return to Holy Orthodoxy

Pope Francis - The Old Orthodox Bishop of Rome

Pope Francis – The Old Orthodox Bishop of Rome


Read: A Letter to Pope Francis Concerning His Past, the Abysmal State of Papism, and a Plea to Return to Holy Orthodoxy

By His Eminence, the Metropolitan of Piraeus, Seraphim, and His Eminence, the Metropolitan of Dryinoupolis, Andrew, both of the Church of Greece.

The Roman Catholic Church was in communion with the Orthodox Church until the great schism. It is one of the five ancient Orthodox Patriarchates of the Christian world, but sadly fall out of communion from rest of the sister Orthodox Patriarchates over a number of key theological and historical reasons.

Orthodox Churches consider Pope as the Bishop of Rome and respect him with Primacy of honor (this can be only cannonically valid once the Roman Catholic Church return back to the original Orthodox communion) but completely reject all additional teaching of Roman Church including Papal infallibility.




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    Orthodoxy 10 years

    Congratulations to both bishops for having the courage to speak the truth. Hope in the future there will be more from the church hierarchy to join them. Wishing everyone happy Easter.

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    ☦Borin-g 10 years

    Surely that was a one long love letter. (^_^)

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