UOC Primate participated in arrangements dedicated to the Day of Remembrance for Chornobyl Disaster Liquidators

Ukrainian Orthodox Church

On December 14 His Beatitude Volodymyr, Metropolitan of Kyiv and All Ukraine participated in arrangements dedicated to the Day of Remembrance for Chornobyl Disaster Liquidators, held in the territory of Darnytsia St Michael Church estate (Prospect Myru, 16).

Attending the memorial action also were President of Ukraine Victor Yanukovych, Prime-Minister of Ukraine Mykola Azarov, chairman of the Supreme Couincil (Verkhovna Rada) of Ukraine Volodymyr Lytvyn, governor of Kyiv region Anatoliy Prysyazhnyuk, head of the Kyiv City State administration Oleksandr Popov, the government members and other high officials.

First the ceremony of laying flowers to the monument “Cholnobyl warriors” and the Memorial Mound “Cholrnobyl Heroes” was conducted. Then the Primate together with the first statesmen made their way to the Church of the Entrance of Our Lord to Jerusalem, called “of Chornobyl”, where His Beatitude Volodymyr celebrated a memorial litia, following which those assembled lit candles to commemorate the deceased liquidators.

Note that the Chornobyl disaster took place on April 26, 1986. On December 15, 2000 by the Decree of the President of Ukraine the reactor of power block 3 of Chornobyl nuclear station was stopped and the station ceased generation electric energy.


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