His Holiness Patriarch Kirill blessed the girl suffering from Infantile Cerebral Paralysis

ODESSA. His Holiness Patriarch Kirill blessed the girl suffering from infantile cerebral paralysis and gave her a special wheel chair for physically challenged Children

On July 21 at the Holy Dormition Monastery of Odessa His Holiness Patriarch Kirill met with a five-year old girl Alexandra Klimova. Together with the girl her mother Svetlana and her brother Alexander came to the Patriarch.

Some time ago S.S.Klimova, a resident of Odessa, sent e-mail in which she addressed His Holiness with a request to bless her daughter suffering from infantile cerebral paralysis. It was said in the letter of Svetlana Stanislavovna that for a dense crowd of people at the patriarchal services in Odessa she won’t be able to come to get the Patriarch’s blessing.

His Holiness responded to the request and invited Alexandra and her family members to visit the Holy Dormition Monastery of Odessa, which became patriarchal residence for the time of His Holiness’ visitation of this city.

His Holiness Patriarch Kirill blessed Alexandra and her brother and gave her a special wheel chair for physically challenged children as a present. The girl received a Kasperov Icon of the Mother of God from the hands of the Primate of the Russian Orthodox Church as a souvenir of this meeting.

Talking to the girl’s mother, His Holiness thanked her for the letter and said he would pray for Alexandra’s health. Havingt wished God’s help to Svetlana and her family, His Holiness Kirill, Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia said: “Sometimes we cannot realize it, but both health and illnesses are the blessing of God”.


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