Odessa Mayor Eduard Hurvits: Patriarch’s Visit Enhances International Prestige of Odessa


The visit of the Patriarch of Moscow enhances international prestige of Odessa. Mayor of Odessa Eduard Hurvits expressed this idea in the course of communication with the journalists. “To my mind, this visit is a visit of peace and friendship. It is important for every inhabitant of Odessa”, Eduard Hurvits noted.

The mayor of Odessa underscored the importance of restoration of the Holy Transfiguration Cathedral. According to him, the efforts of dozens of thousands of people are invested into this good deed. “The resident of Odessa helped the deed of restoration of the church inspite of different political views, different life views. They restored this shrine sincerely, during fifteen years. We see the result today. It cannot but rejoice. The Holy Transfiguration Cathedral becomes the heart of Odessa”, said the mayor of Odessa.

Edurad Hurvits met the Patriarch of Moscow at the entrance of the Cathedral. He gave flowers to His Holiness.

The Odessa mayor was also present tat the ceremony of consecration of the upper church ofteh restored Transfiguration Cathedral at the patriarchal liturgy.


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