Coptic seminary in German


On Pentecost Sunday, the Holy Synod of the Coptic Orthodox Church, chaired by Pope Shenouda III, declared St Antonius Monastery in Germany a deir amer-a working, full-fledged, monastery. And this summer should see the fifth group of students complete four years of study at the Koptisch-Orthodoxes Theologie-Kolleg Papst Shenouda III (Pope Shenouda III Coptic Orthodox Theological College) at St Antonius Monastery in Kroeffelbach-Waldsolms.

Before them, 46 men and women graduated from this college since it opened in November 2002. They are now holders of the degree of Bachelor of Theology. Another 40 students are currently enrolled at this seminary in Kroeffelbach.

The students come from various places in Germany, France, the Netherlands and Austria, and one student comes from Sweden. The courses and the examinations are held mainly in Arabic and partly in German. Recently, the first lectures were translated into English.

The true faith

The seminary was founded with the objective of “preserving the true faith as it was passed on from Saint Abba Athanasius the Apostolic and Saint Abba Kyrillos I, the Pillar of Christian Belief; and safeguarding as well that the teachings of the Bible are followed”. It is also required to provide answers to heresies and other deviations from the right belief in our present time.

Among the prominent roles of the seminary is the education of teachers of religion and deacons and qualifying them for service in the Coptic Orthodox Church. Close cooperation between this theological college in Germany and other Coptic Orthodox seminaries within Egypt and abroad leads to fruitful exchange of experience.

In order to enrol, students have to be members of a Christian church and should hold general secondary school certificates that qualify them for university study. Each should submit a letter of recommendation from a respective church or priest.
During the holidays between semesters, visits to the Coptic mother church in Egypt and to other theological colleges are organised, thus giving students first-hand information and experience of them. Guest study is possible, but does not qualify participants for admittance to examinations.


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