Installation of His Eminence Mor Severius Malke Mourad as the Syriac Orthodox Patriarchal Vicar in Brazil

Installation of His Eminence Mor Severius Malke Mourad as the Syriac Orthodox Patriarchal Vicar in Brazil

Syriac Orthodox Patriarchate – 17/12/18

On Sunday, December 16, 2018, His Eminence Mor Severius Malke Mourad was installed Patriarchal Vicar in Brazil at St. Mary’s Church in Sao Paolo, Brazil.

Delegated by His Holiness Patriarch Mor Ignatius Aphrem II, His Eminence Mor Titus Boulos Touza, Apostolic Nuncio to the Evangelical Mission Churches in Brazil, presided over the Rite of the Synthronise (Installation), in the presence of the clergy and faithful of the Patriarchal Vicariate in Brazil. During the rite, the sustatikon was read, declaring the official appointment of His Eminence Mor Severius Malke Mourad as Patriarchal Vicar in Brazil.

His Eminence Mor Severius Malke Mourad addressed the faithful of the Patriarchal Vicariate in Brazil praying the Lord to bless his ministry and the flock that was entrusted to his spiritual and administrative care.

Faithful from all the parishes of the Patriarchal Vicariate attended this special rite and congratulated His Eminence for his new mission.


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    An old friend 6 years

    To mutran from an old friend. Have recently found out about all the mess and its very sad and feels sorry this happened. Hope there is no guilt envolved and that its all a matter of powergames as long as the soul is kept ok. If giilt envolved..redemption redemption.

    Being brave and telling the truth is very very costly but better to “die” standing for what we believe in than living a life on our knees as slaves to the worst ideology that mankind ever faced.
    You and your 5 other colleagues are correct in your views on the actions of a “spiritual” leader. Its sad but I pray to God Jesus and the Holy Spirit to help us who try ro do what is tight regardless of price. We are not on this planet to be vherished bybhumans, we are here to deserve a place in eternal life.

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    To mutran from an old friend. Have recently found out about all the mess and its very sad and feel sorry this happened. Hope there is no guilt envolved and that its all a matter of powergames as long as the soul is kept ok. If there is any guilt for any readon (i dont think so) then redemption redemption.

    Being brave and telling the truth is very very costly but better to “die” standing for what we believe in than living a life on our knees as slaves to the worst ideology that mankind ever faced.

    You and your 5 other colleagues are correct in your views on the actions of a “spiritual” leader. Its sad but I pray to God Jesus and the Holy Spirit to help us who try to do what is right regardless of price. We are not on this plan to be cherished by humsns we are here to deserve a place in eternal life. God Help. God Bless.

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