High Church medals for SAJ and its commandeer

High Church medals for SAJ and its commandeer





Church of Serbia – 12/4/18

High Church medals to the Special Anti-Terrorist Unit (SAJ) of the Serbian Ministry of the Internal Affairs and its Commandeer Colonel Spasoje Vulevic.

On the third day of the greatest Christian feast-day – the Resurrection of the Lord, 10 April 2018, His Holiness Serbian Patriarch Irinej celebrated the Holy Liturgy in the presence of many believers in the church of Saint Stephen of Dechani at Batajnica, n. Belgrade. On this occasion, the Serbian Patriarch awarded the Special Anti-Terrorist Unit (as a institution) and its Commandeer Colonel Spasoje Vulevic (as an individual) with high Church medals – the Order of Holy King Milutin -for remarkable contribution in building the church of St. Stephen the Decani.

The Order of Holy King Milutin is being given to those individuals and institutions that have proved as patrons and benefactors, given that the Serbian mediaeval King Milutin himself was a great benefactor and endower.

During the Liturgy the Serbian Patriarch elevated presbyter Radeta Jovic, principal of the church of Holy Prince Lazar in Zemun Polje and of the new church of Saint Stefan of Decani, to the rank of archpriest.



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