Address of the Plenipotentiary Representative of the UOC Primate
Ukrainian Orthodox Church
Address of the Plenipotentiary Representative of the UOC Primate to the Supreme Council of Ukraine to the People’s Deputies with recommendation to adopt the draft law providing more effective counterstand to the spread of gaming
№ 21-ВР 12.02.2010
Honorable people’s deputies!
In view of the pernicious for human soul consequences of the passion of gaming, the Church has always condemned them. Everyone, including those staying out of Church know what great evil this engagement causes. How many unfortunate ones have lost not only money and possessions because of the gaming, but have also ruined their families or even committed suicide. Therefore it is with a great joy that not long ago our entire society has welcomed the prohibition of the activity of gaming houses in Ukraine.
Unfortunately, some tricksters, having neglected prohibition, has not shut up their hideous business, but continued it under the guise of the Internet-clubs or made clandestine casinos.
Thus they have broken not only the human law, but the Law of God, since, as it is said in the Holy Scripture “Let every soul be subject unto the higher powers” (Romans 13. 1).
And the gaming business continues its seductive cause, in spite of its prohibition by the state.
Therefore for the spiritual and physical health of our people will be beneficial the adoption of the draft law № 5320, suggested by the people’s deputy of Ukraine Vetvitskyy Dmytro Oleksandovych “On introducing amendments to the criminal procedural code of Ukraine (on the investigative jurisdiction of criminal cases on organization and performing gambling (holding the gaming business)».
Already in Old Testament times God has defined due treatment of the sins and crimes: “so shalt thou put evil away from among you; and all Israel shall hear, and fear” (Deuteronomy. 21. 21). In conditions when, according to some data, every fifth resident of Ukraine is gambling addicted, eradication of the gambling business is one of the most urgent tasks of the people’s deputies, more important than all the political ruffle and controversies.
With respect and wishing God’s blessing in the high and responsible service to the Ukrainian people and Motherland,
Plenipotentiary representative of the Primate of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church to the Supreme Council (Verkhovna Rada) of Ukraine,
† Augustine, Archbishop of Lviv and Halych
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